
With her new supernatural series, The Last Hour, releasing on Amazon Prime Video on May 14, the actress suggests there are more things in heaven and Earth than we dream of in our philosophies

Q.Tell us about your role in The Last Hour

I play a very mysterious character in the series, so I cannot reveal much. All I can say is I was thrilled. I have never played a character like this before. Both the show’s concept and storyline are very unique. Also, I had watched director Amit Kumar’s Monsoon Shootout. I felt he thinks differently, so I wanted to work with him.

Q. Do you believe in the otherworld, or in ghosts, perhaps? Are you superstitious?

I’m not superstitious at all and I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do think there is some kind of energy. And there is, of course, good and bad energy. I don’t think we are just physical beings on Earth. There is something beyond this.

Q. You are known to be something of a prankster. Did you scare people on the sets?

I haven’t had time to play any pranks this time. It was very cold and we travelled a lot. We were freezing half the time [laughs]. There wasn’t any time for jokes. We just wanted to do the shot and go back to the fireplace or to a place where it was warm.

Q. What has been your favourite supernatural film or story?

I love watching supernatural films, horrors and thrillers. Even though it’s quite old, I recently watched The Shining. It’s a classic.

Q. You will also be seen in Netflix’s Mai this year. Will national audiences see more of you now?

Yes, I have been doing Hello! for Hoichoi, shows for Zee5 (Black Widows, Forbidden Love, etc) and other OTT platforms. So, yes, you will see a lot more of me. For now, though, I’m really looking forward to The Last Hour and Mai.



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