India registered over 1,000 cases of novel coronavirus for the fourth straight day on Friday, taking the national tally close to 14,000. In the last four days, India has registered 4483 new cases of Covid-19 with 128 deaths and yet public and political leaders continue to make headlines for flouting lockdown rules.
While a massive crowd was witnessed at a religious festival in Karnataka’s Kalburgi on Thursday, the state on Friday witnessed similar scenes at the wedding ceremony of former CM HD Kumaraswamy’s son. Crowding was also witnessed at various fruits and vegetable markets across the nation, where no social distancing was being maintained. Meanwhile, UP government sent around 300 buses to bring back students stranded in Rajasthan’s Kota despite restrictions on all non-essential movements.
However, despite these violations, the Centre claims that India is doing fairly good in controlling the spread of the disease. The health ministry has said that time it takes for the Covid-19 cases to double has slowed down in last one week as against three days before the nationwide lockdown came into effect from March 25.
India Today TV also spoke to an expert who suggested that the lockdown will fullfill its purpose only when the curve is flattened.
Here’s all you need to know about Covid-19 related developments in India today
Tally inches closer to 14,000
Covid-19 cases in the country rose by 1,076 and 32 deaths were reported in 24 hours, taking the tally to 13,835 and the fatalities to 452, according to the latest health ministry data. A total of 1,767 patients have recovered, it said.
According to a PTI tally based on reports from states, the total number of cases was 14,173 and 1,896 had recovered while the death toll stood at 479.
The Covid-19 cases had jumped by 1,463; 1,118; and 1,043 on the three days respectively from Tuesday this week.
At least six states in India – Maharashtra (3,236), Delhi (1,640), Tamil Nadu (1,323), Rajasthan (1,193), Madhya Pradesh (1,164) and Gujarat (1,021) – have surpassed the mark of 1,000 Covid-19 cases.
In Mumbai alone, these cases rose to 2,120 with 77 more persons testing positive, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said, adding the number in the Dharavi slum area reached 101.
Of the total 452 deaths listed by the health ministry, Maharashtra tops the tally with 194 fatalities, followed by Madhya Pradesh at 57, Gujarat and Delhi at 38 each and Telangana 18.
Picture of the wedding held on April 17 (Photo Credits: PTI)
Tamil Nadu has reported 15 deaths while Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh reported 14 fatalities each.
Punjab and Karnataka reported 13 deaths each.
Rajasthan has registered 11 deaths while West Bengal reported 10 deaths fatalities. Some states have reported less than 10 deaths.
Delhi, which has 1640 cases of Covid-19 with 38 casualties, has increased its list of containment zones to 68.
Areas of L-2 Sangam Vihar, Streets no. 26&27 Tughlakabad Extension, C-105, Hari Nagar, B-33 Hari Nagar, C-785 Camp no. 2, Nagloi and RZ-168, K-2 block, Nihal vihar have been added to the list.