分类: bharat
人们站在即将被点燃的新冠病毒的巨型模型旁,胡里节庆祝前夕,人们通常会点燃印度神话中恶魔Holika的模型 -
旁遮普邦阿姆利则,浑身彩色粉末的男子庆祝胡里节(又称“色彩节”)时自拍。多年来,数以百万计的人在户外庆祝活动中互相撒彩色粉末和喷水。但是,连续第二年,人们被鼓励留在家里,避免在最近确诊病例激增的时刻将庆祝活动变成超级传播活动 -
The Lathmar Holi festivities last for over a week, where the participants dance, sing and immerse themselves in colour.
Celebrated a few days before Holi, Lathmar means playing with sticks. The menfolk try to smear women with colour, who traditionally protect themselves with lathis or sticks.
Women from Barsana village beat a villager from Nandgaon with wooden sticks as he teases them during Lathmar Holi celebrations.